
How to Save Energy in Your Home

How to Save Energy in Your Home

Energy conservation is something not a lot of us prioritize, when in fact, it's one of the best things you can do not only for the environment, but for your wallet, too. However, it's not as simple as simply turning off the lights when not in use or buying energy-efficient appliances. Anything you do at home requires water or fossil fuels one way or another, so you have to be intentional about the steps you take to conserve energy. We previously offered advice on how to keep your home tidy in our '4 Organizing Hacks to Keep Your Home Clean'…
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4 Organizing Hacks to Keep Your Home Clean

4 Organizing Hacks to Keep Your Home Clean

Keeping your home organized can be quite tricky to do, especially if you are a mother and your kids are always messing things up. Having an organization system is extremely important in order to keep your home clean for more than one day. The main purpose of a clean home is to create an inviting space not only for guests but also for you and your family. When your home isn’t clean, it isn’t welcoming and you might not even feel comfortable living in it.  Creating an organized home takes time, dedication and patience, but there are always tips and…
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Home Decorating Ideas on a Budget

Home Decorating Ideas on a Budget

When people think about decorating their homes they believe that it's a very expensive activity they're going to have to invest on. Decorating your home shouldn't be mortifying because of the money that needs to be spent on, it should be a fun activity that gives your home a makeover. There are a lot of decorating ideas that can be done under a budget, no one said that home decorating has to be expensive. There are even a lot of things you can do yourself regarding home decoration,  it is not all about buying new furniture and replacing everything that…
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Spring Cleaning: 4 Tips to Clean out Your Home

Spring Cleaning: 4 Tips to Clean out Your Home

When it comes to spring cleaning the main purpose is de-cluttering in order to make space and feel like you are living in a clean and organized home. This activity is normally done once a year and it is devoted for you to take everything out that you don't need and that you've been wanting to get rid of. For some people, this activity is very tedious and they don't know how to get started or what to get rid of.  This activity is especially complicated for Hoarders, people who like to keep everything and they don't get rid of…
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